Tuesday, August 25, 2009

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One of the most used and delicious fruit-cum-vegetables is the TOMATO..
There are various kinds and the variety come from all over the world. Tomatoes are better out of the fridge and in direct light. The best tasting tomatoes are those picked when ripe on the vine. Green tomatoes ripen quickly when put into a brown paper bag.
Tomatoes have a high content of water, are low in calories, rich in Vitamins A, B, C, and are ideal for raw and cooked meals.


This is a very tasty soup made by Perla.

Glaze two onions and two cloves of garlic, that you have chopped up, in a little olive oil.
When glazed, add two grated carrots and three sticks of chopped celery.Peel and chop two kilos of Tomatoes and mix into the vegetables. Add vegetable salt, pepper and two teaspoons of brown sugar. Taste this and adjust to your liking.
Add one tablespoon vegetable powder, chopped parsley and basil Cook on a medium flame for twenty minutes. Cool. Liquidize and strain,if you want this to be a smooth tomato soup. I serve this hot in a bowl with a few pieces of celery sticks on the side, or cut up chives. on the soup.

For a cold soup, let the tomato soup cool and add two cups of buttermilk. Serve with cut up parsley and a little grated parmesan cheese on top. This is a great starter with chunky brown bread and herb butter.


Use a pastry base, like the ones for a quiche.

Take eight tomatoes and slice up thinly. Cover with olive oil and salt. Roast for twenty minutes in a medium oven. Spread over the dough on a baking pan for the oven. You must oil the pan lightly.
Grate a cup of Bulgarian cheese and sprinkle over. Cut up twelve or more black olives and cover the cheese. Sprinkle rosemary and thyme over the pie. Herbs must have a delicate flavor, so do not overdo the use of herbs. Bake for 20 minutes, until the dough is done. Serve with a fresh green salad and a jug of yogurt dressing with herbs to pour over.
This pie looks good and is delicious.


Take two cups of cherry tomatoes. Wash and cut into halves. Place in a large flat glass dish . Cut up basil, mint leaves and a few teaspoons of pine nuts and sprinkle over the tomatoes. Make a dressing of olive oil, a few drops of balsamic vinegar, pesto sauce and a grated red pepper. Pour over the salad and serve


This is an easy vegetable to serve with any main dish. It looks lovely and not a bit remains…everyone loves this combination.
Use a glass oven dish. Wipe with olive oil and arrange the cherry tomatoes in round circles and then a circle of garlic cloves. No need to peel them. Just prick the tomatoes them with a tooth pick, to save them bursting. Another circle of tomatoes and then cloves of garlic. When full, pour over olive oil, salt, pepper and a chopped red onion, salt and black pepper. Bake in a medium oven for fifteen minutes and serve. The cloves of garlic should look roasted. Sprinkle a few grains of sumac over it all.

I promoted the products of the Dead Sea as far back as 1974 I always enjoyed using and selling them. Now we have an innovative company that make cosmetics with carrots, cucumbers and tomatoes and dead sea ingredients.
The red of the tomato has lycopene, a potent anti oxidant and is excellent to balance the skin. There are also excellent fighting free radicals in the cosmetics for body and face, hands and feet. They carry a range of specialized items for lips, eczema, acne, oily skins and dry skins.

I wish you a lovely week, and good luck for all new kiddies going to school. Look at SCHOOL LUNCH BOXES, of the 18th August 2008 , and you will find great ideas and tips that make life easier, sane and sensible.

Love and light for a happy week RONA

Friday, August 14, 2009

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I am always fascinated by the way we act with people who are part of our lives. Perhaps we behave differently with people at home, at work, in the bus, or people we meet in strange surroundings. Often when we are in a hospital, a doctors room or at a clinic, we open up to total strangers. We tell them things our family does not know. We discuss intimate details. Sounds weird? It happens.

At home it is strange how many people put on a show for strangers only. When my kids were little I worked and in order to prepare the Friday night meal, I worked ahead . So the fridge had labels, like for Friday, do not touch the cheese cake, it is for Friday. There were dishes I hid at the back, hoping they would not be discovered……One Friday, I opened the fridge and the labels were changed. The kids decided to eat the chocolate cake and delve into the pudding. It was a good lesson. I decided that the family are the most important guests in the house. No more labels.
My sister, Helena, bakes well. There was always the walking Chocolate Cake , for friends who returned from holiday Her three guys always called them walking cakes….they walked out of the house.

One night I prepared all the food for Friday, did the table and was ready for Sabbath. At about one in the morning, burglars came in and robbed the kitchen. They suddenly realized the table was set for Sabbath, opened the fridge and sat down on the floor and ate all the food. They were interrupted by my son, returning from a date. The police had a great laugh. They could not believe they had enough conscience not to sit at the table…………………….
So do your best for those you love. I feel privileged to have the opportunity to create an ambience and good food for the people I care about. If I am too tired or rushed to make a large dinner, I make it simple, stylish and full of care for their needs. Then I go and sit down, relax or simply read the paper. The idea is to be a happy hostess, not a frazzled and exhausted one.

Try new ideas and recipes; create dishes that are nutritious and interesting. Make surprises for birthdays, their favorite dishes, individual chocolates at each place or a wicked plate of desserts. No one comes to the table with a calorie calculator.

I keep plastic containers for dishes that go home with the family. Desserts must go. I am over the age that I can have them for breakfast. Plan to have extra helpings of food if your family have a heavy week schedule. Soups, cookies, a quiche, a potato salad, home made humous, a jar of beetroot salad or home made muffins love to go home with them.

STARTERS………Make a quiche. Do a spinach or mushroom quiche. Cut with a round or square cookie cutter. Place on a large plate on the left. Create a little salad with a teaspoon or two of mustard on a baked potato . Decorate with sprouts. .
Mushrooms… Use rinsed and dried mushrooms. Lightly fry six garlic and two onions in a little olive oil. Not on high…… Then add the mushrooms, herb salt and pepper and two tablespoons of pesto. Fry through and serve with grated parmesan on a slice of hot toast.

Families like a good portion, not the little presentations that blow your mind, but leave you starving. Make a large pot of good pasta. Add a little olive oil and salt to the pot. Drain and serve with the side dishes.
Number one is a bowl of good tomato and basil sauce. Two is chopped or grated cheese with lightly fried onions in it. Three is a dish of steamed broccoli, parsley, grated ginger and mozzarella cheese I add two tablespoons of peas and stir into a bowl. People like to select what they enjoy.
Four A mustard sauce. I make this with grated zucchini, chopped onions, garlic, a little pepper and lemon salt. Fry this all lightly in a little olive oil. I add two large tablespoons of mustard and a jar of yogurt and warm this through.
Place the sauces on a large warming plate with a ladle in each of them.

Make a large green salad, in a flat bowl. Use lettuce, parsley, chives, spring onion, red onion, cucumbers, yellow peppers and lots of mixed nuts on this. The dressing is lemon juice and olive oil with herb salt and pepper.
I keep the salad fresh and full of energy by placing a clean wet towel over it until needed.

LENTIL STEWS AND LOAVES. See the blog of 1 September 2008.

MUSHROOMS. See the blog of 10th September 2008.

Have a great week and take time to spend moments with each member of the family. Plan ahead for school and make sure you do a fun thing over the week end for the family. Love and light RONA
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Monday, August 10, 2009

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How about eating logically?
We would all like to walk in after a days work and find the table ready with a nutritious meal to enjoy. The concept of a family is different from a hundred, years ago. The place of work has changed. It could be a plane flight away or in the basement of your home. Work places demand early rising, long hours and returning home late. So some one has to create a home. Often the wife has an equally demanding job as the husband, or the family care for elderly parents too. All in all, eating and having a logical pattern of nutrition in the home, demands commitment and a serious look at what you need.

Shopping has to be planned logically and with the needs of the health of the family in mind. No one is going to do it for you. You must sit down with paper and a pen and discuss this serious subject.
1. How many people are in the home during the week? Who is there for breakfast, lunch and dinner?
2. Are there babies, kiddies and vegetarians, people who cannot tolerate wheat, or diary products, older folks or some one with diabetes?
3. What storage facilities do you have? Freezers, fridges, a grocery unit or a pantry?
4. What amount of the budget can you put aside for food, fruits and vegetables? Your budget needs to have something put aside for nosh and fun foods too.
5. Where do you have a good supermarket near you? What hours are convenient for you to shop there? Do they deliver? Have you enough time to go once or twice a week?
6. Do you have the correct storage containers, food boxes for lunches, wrapping papers for sandwiches, and freezer packets? I do not include aluminum or oily plastic wraps….You need basic parchment and brown bags.
7. Be ecologically aware that you need shopping bags and baskets for purchases A picnic box with ice is useful for bringing foods home in hot weather. I always plan to buy those things nearer to home. Recycling is important and we all need to be conscious of this, Bottles, bags, and boxes can be re used.
8. Remember that it is a good plan to shop when you are not starving. The temptations to buy junk are sure to fill your basket with every thing useless and of no food value. This does not include chocolate and pop corn. No TV show is complete without those fun foods.


When you have been ill, under the weather, or had surgery, the body needs recovery time. Nutritious foods, enough liquids , exercise, walking , good sleep and meditation are necessary Have three balanced meals and two small nutritious snacks twice a day. Do not eat hunched in a TV chair. Eat relaxed, sitting at the table and eat slowly. If you are at work, clear a space and create an area that is for eating.

The company of friends, is vital for a recovery to health. No need to go wild, an omelet, sandwiches, a good coffee and cake, a light meal is enough to create and enjoy together.
Buy rye breads, ten grain breads, rolls and French loaves for quick sandwiches.
Have good spreads ready. Use dried tomatoes in olive oil, pestos, mustards, techina, humous, good cheeses, herbed butters, low fat cream cheeses, olive oil, honey, nuts and dried fruits. Boil eggs, have sardines, olives and fresh vegetables, lettuce, herbs. tomatoes, cucumbers , onions and garlic handy.

Mango and cream cheese sandwiches.

Take good bread and spread some olive oil on this Spread a little cream cheese and slice mango over this in layers, Sprinkle some honey over this and grill for three minutes Serve with some good beverage.
Eggs and Parsley, grilled onions and garlic.

Boil eggs in a pot with a handful of parsley in it and some curry powder, The eggs will be a great color and taste different. Remember when you boil eggs, wash them first.
Mash with grilled onions and garlic. These can be lightly fried or grilled the day before. Spread over good bread or on rolls. Herbs can be added and some pepper and herb salt. Grill and serve.
Cheddar cheese , pickles and mustard mix.

Spread mustard on the bread, a little olive oil, thin slices of cheddar cheese, and pickled cucumbers. Serve on a bed of lettuce
Vegetarian sausages and tomatoes.

Slice vegetarian sausages into long thin slices. Place over mustard on bread and cover with thinly sliced tomatoes. Grill for three minutes and serve with a light salad and some walnuts on the side.
Pesto and tomatoes, mozzarella and freshly sliced chives

Cover rolls or fresh bread with pesto, mozzarellas cheese slices, tomato and lots of chives, Serve with boiled eggs and olives.
Take time to shop well and the easy meals just appear out of the fridge. You need to serve a sandwich on a large plate. Place it on the side with a salad medley next to it and sprinkle the plate with herbs, zatar or sumac. It looks great. I often prepare thinly slice red onion, soaked in balsamic vinegar. These are a great décor and give the plate the look of elegance. If you have a grape leaf, lettuce leaves or lots of parsley , use this as decoration.
Eat well and make the ambience fun.
Love and light for a good week. Rona

Sunday, August 2, 2009

NUPLUS BREAKFAST and FRUIT RINSE for fruits and vegetables.

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We all know summer is a great time for fruits, cold desserts, ice creams and lots of sugary drinks. But be realistic You have to watch what you eat and indulge in. It is best to start the day with water and some lemon squeezed into it. The idea of having a glass or two of water, before you eat breakfast is excellent. It tones the body, is good for the bowels and in general you need the liquid.
I like to eat breakfast and I was chatting to friends today about this meal. The husband likes to have his fruits with oats, blended like a drink. The wife likes yogurt, nuts, and granola with her fruits. They look great, so I am sure it works

I like breakfast and use the NUPLUS mix with water or milk. I add fruits or granola and yogurt, for my early morning mix.
If you like protein, try to poach your egg. My fool proof way is to pour water into a STAINLESS STEEL pan. Let it boil and add the eggs, herbs, tomato, onions and garlic. This will cook slowly and it is great. No butter, no oils or fats. There is the feeling that we should use stainless steel in preference to all the coated pans that seem to be in fashion.

I always tell people that breakfast is vital. No good going to work with no food to create energy. You will be more relaxed if you get up earlier, eat slowly, allow time for the body to function and go to work in a relaxed physical state. Kids must get into the habit of eating at home in the morning. Junk food is not an option. It is fast and foolish stuff that only sets a palate for more junk. You are responsible that the home has good choices early in the morning. It is more important to shop properly that fluffing the dust off the piano.

Have good breads, yogurt, white cheeses, tomatoes, cucumbers, olives, carrots, eggs and good cereal choices, like flax, oats and bran. Hummus and techina are good too. For drinks, do not depend on sugared fruit juices, water is a better choice or soya or rice milk.. For a sweetener I use the Sun rider Stevia. Honey or organic agave syrup.

For seniors I recommend a good breakfast, a 10.30 snack of fruit and an early lunch with protein in it. Have your vegetables with the protein. For tea time snack, a fruit juice like tomato or carrot juice is good. Beetroot juice with a few ice cubes is excellent. Dinner should be light with a variety of salads. You need good breads and cereals to balance the body functioning, a few figs, prunes, apricots and nuts too. Compote for dinner with light toast and white cheese is very good. Have cold soups as starters and easy to digest proteins at night. Make sure you drink adequate liquid all day.
If your bowels are sluggish you can buy the Flax seeds at a good health store and ask them to grind the pistan flax seeds. Keep them in the fridge. These can be bought at the EDEN food emporium. I use a teaspoon or two with yogurt once a day.
Eat a variety of salads. Focus on the greens, yellows and reds. Spinach, broccoli,.cabbage, parsley, spring onions cucumbers fennel and chives and lettuce are good greens.
For yellows go to carrots, yellow peppers and steamed sweet potatoes and pumpkins. Reds include tomatoes, sweet peppers, radishes beets and of course some red onions. Garlic and onions are important.

You can steam vegetables for easier digestion. Use natural salad dressings. Olive oil, lemon juice .herbs and spices.
I like to wash fruits and vegetables with SUNSMILE FRUIT AND VEGETABLE RINSE.

For ideas look at Salad dressings…published 25 th April 2009.
Beets are, easy to prepare . look at 17th September 2008.
A selection of cold soups that are quick to do, see 8th August 2008. .

I know many of us need to cleanse the bodies, so drink more, eat slowly, chew well and eliminate eating after dinner in the evening. Have a light and easy summer. Love and light Rona